Adult Psychotherapy

I see the therapeutic relationship as a collaborative effort between myself and the client. I see myself as more of a guide then the expert. Together we come up with understandings, plans and interventions that improve your daily life. My commitment is to understand your situation the best that I can so that the plans and interventions will be customized to you the individual client. I have been exposed to and have used a multitude of approaches in my 30 years as a therapist. All of these are available to us and we come up with a comprehensive plan for your therapy. Together we will set a course of action to improve your quality of life. Issues I commonly treat would include bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, sexual abuse, anger management, relationship issues and self esteem issues.

As with all my therapeutic approaches I feel that a relationship and an alliance with my client is the kingpin of the therapy. I know that each client comes into the office with certain concerns and symptoms. Our task is to understand theses well enough that we can devise approaches and interventions to decrease the interference of these on your day to day life. As we see and understand your responses to our interventions, we can then finesse and fine tune these approaches to effect more long standing change.